Elder Law

Secure Your Legacy, Protect Your Family

Elder Law Services

Seniors have different needs than the general population. Therefore, it is unsurprising that seniors encounter legal scenarios less commonly encountered by others. On one level, Elder Law is an umbrella term for the various areas of law most relevant to seniors. However, Elder Law is more accurately described as a model of legal representation that looks at the client as a whole person rather than focusing on the nature of problems she faces. An Elder Law attorney has expertise in all areas of law commonly encountered by seniors. An Elder Law attorney strives to serve as “the lawyer” for their senior clients, no matter what life throws at them.

Services & Questions related to Estate Planning

Elder Law is Multifaceted

Imagine a person who has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease, the most common cause of dementia and one that is progressive. That person must plan for their medical, financial, social, and property management future. Those plans will inevitably have legal elements and that is where the Elder Law attorney can help. Elder Law is public benefits law when the client cannot afford nursing home care without selling their family home. Elder Law is agency law when the client grants a power of attorney to a child to manage their assets once the client enters nursing care. Elder Law is real property law when they deed a survivorship interest in land to their eventual heirs. 

However, elder law does not only involve planning for the future. Seniors can become more susceptible to fraud, abuse, and financial exploitation as they age. Sometimes people close to them disregard their wishes because they think they know better than the senior who still has the capacity to make sound decisions. When a senior needs protection or legal support in these challenging times, that is Elder Law as well. 

Choosing an Elder Law Attorney for Estate Planning

Many law firms practice in trusts and estates (more, in fact, since the baby boomer generation began reaching retirement age). However, not all are Elder Law firms because they do not provide all the legal services a senior can reasonably expect to need toward the end of life.

Working with a true Elder Law firm offers the client three major advantages.

  • Elder Law attorneys are experienced with communicating with and working with older persons and their families on interrelated legal and non-legal issues.
  • Elder Law attorneys have working knowledge of the professional and community resources publicly and privately available to meet the care needs of the client.
  • Elder Law attorneys have a wealth of experience dealing with banks, insurance providers, Medicare and Medicaid officials, pension and retirement fund managers, assisted living facilities, doctors/pharmacists, and the countless other business and bureaucratic parties who can influence the client’s health and quality of life.

Selecting an Elder Law firm to do your estate planning makes it so that you will already have trusted counsel to turn toward when the unexpected challenge surfaces.

Recognized Elder Law Experts

Quinn, Racusin & Gazzola Chartered is an Elder Law firm. In fact, Elder Law is the primary area of practice for many of its attorneys. Several QRG attorneys are members of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys. Several QRG attorneys have served on guidance bords directing local policy on Elder Law issues. QRG’s most experienced attorney has been practicing in the field for more than 50 years.

Experienced with Capacity Issues

When the neurologist tells you to plan for incapacity, do not worry that it is too late to make an estate plan or execute powers of attorney in favor of a loved one. QRG knows the legal standards for capacity in DC, Maryland, and Virginia and will not turn you away because you have begun to experience memory loss. If you can demonstrate an understanding of your actions, our experienced attorneys will create a record to protect your estate plan against possible future challenges. Our attorneys are patient and experienced in communicating with clients suffering from memory loss or other dementia symptoms.

Protecting Seniors from Exploitation

If you think your loved one is being subjected to financial abuse or exploitation in DC, Maryland, or Northern Virginia, we can help. According to an article published by the American Bar Association:

“With the 2008-2009 recession elder law attorneys saw a significant increase in financial abuse and exploitation of the elderly, and a corresponding increase in abuse and exploitation litigation.”

While it will be up to the local authorities to prosecute the offender, QRG attorneys can petition the court to protect the senior’s assets from further exploitation. Even if the senior can no longer execute a power of attorney to appoint a new agent to manage their affairs, the court may be able to appoint a guardian or conservator.

Contact an Experienced Estate Planning Law Firm Serving DC, Northern Virginia & Maryland That You Can Trust

The estate planning attorneys at Quinn, Racusin & Gazzola Chartered are here to help whether you are just beginning to consider estate planning or need to update an existing plan for DC, Virginia or Maryland.